December News

Please note that the Sports Hall closed from 24th December to 1st January, so we can restart training on Wednesday 4th January.

Shuttles: We have new Yonex AS20 shuttles available for sale at 26 euros per tube. Payment by transfer only to the club account with the message ‘shuttles and -your name-’.

Interclub competition: To sum up the first half of the season, our Men’s 2nd team is doing really well at the top of their league!! Our Ladies’ team and Men’s 1st team is also close to being top. (Both in 2nd place). The Mixed 2nd team is doing reasonably well, 3rd place for the moment. And in last place (but not least) our Mixed 1st team has had a very unlucky first half of the season with many 3-5 defeats! Not to mention some heavy 0-8 defeats with lots of three set matches.

Club shirts: It’s that time again, to order new club shirts. These will be available to ALL members, not just competition players. We are working on finding shirts made from a quality material and at a reasonable price. We’re still debating which model to go for and whether we go with ASL Sport’s JAKO brand shirts, possibly with an ASL logo to get 25% off the price! So we would be looking at around 30 euros per shirt. More information to follow soon. We’ll receive some test shirts to look at in January. Fingers crossed that by the end of January we can place an order.

The BIBC Committee wishes you a very happy Christmas and New Year!!!