It is a points based system.
You can earn points in Interclub matches and in tournaments.
Ranking points are added to your profile only for wins.
Promotion and downgrade or the ranking
Ranking review is done monthly.
The new system is based on two averages: If your winning average is more than a certain threshold you go up. If your losing average is less than a certain threshold, you go down.
There can only be two categories difference between your highest ranking and your lowest. For example: I can be 7 in singles, 8 in doubles and 9 in mixed but not 7-8-10.
You cannot be promoted more than one classification per review.
Whether or not matches count towards your ranking depends on the ranking of your opponent(s). In singles for example, if a 7 wins against a 6 then he gains 570 points. If in doubles, two 7 players win against a 6 and a 7 then the winners both gain (570+380)/2 = 475 points. If two 8 players lose against two 7 players the match is valid, but it is not valid if it is an 8 and 9 against two 7 players. In singles, if an 8 wins against a 9, he earns 187 points, but that is not enough points for his winning average so it doesn’t count. Winning average is calculated by taking the total of ranking points gained and dividing it by the number of valid matches. If a 9 loses to a 7 the match is not valid towards his losing average, due to there being two categories difference. As long as your losing average is more than the ranking decrease threshold you will stay the same ranking. If a player plays fewer than 7 matches for one category, for example, in mixed, for an 8 player, who plays 5 matches over 52 weeks, the matches against 6 and 7 players are not valid for the losing average, only those against 8 and 9 category players are valid. The 5 matches gained him 840 points total but 840/7 is 120, but that is less than the threshold for winning average (120). So it counts towards the losing average threshold 840/5 is 168, superior to 76 the decrease threshold, so he stays an 8.
- Try to play regularly throughout the season;
- Try to earn points in Interclub matches AND tournaments
NEW! Tournament 'Bonus Points' System
This is separate from the points ranking system. More info on VVBBC and LFBB websites: