New season

Dear members,

As the new season will start on the 18th of August for adults and on September 4th for juniors, it is time for a newsletter :).

Some important dates to put in your agenda:

  • Annual General Meeting (AGM): 25/09/2024

During the AGM, the committee gives an overview of the club's management, vote on proposed membership fees, new shuttle contract, new ideas, questions,... can be proposed and you can stand for election to become a committee member. Last but not least, you get a free drink and help to improve the club.

  • Deadline mutuality papers: 6/10/2024

If you want the club to sign your mutuality paper to reimburse 50 euros from your mutuality for sports. You can give the papers on 25/09, 2/10 or 6/10 to Sarah, Lynn or the junior trainer Gilles. 

New topics

Badminton Vlaanderen has introduced a new app named "Twizzit" which we would like you to download and make an account and connect to the club. We will use this year as a transition year from mail to Twizzit which sends you notifications about club newsletters, an agenda, ... Don't worry, we will still use our mail as well during this transition period.

Rules of the club

  • New rule: If you want to invite any external player (friend, partner,...) you will need to ask approval from a committee member to better manage the crowd.
  • Changing rooms 4-5-6 will be for ladies and 1-2-3 are for men. If none of the three changing rooms are open, please go ask the key in the bar.

Hope to see you soon on court,

The committee