Important overview

Dear juniors,


Next Wednesday, September 6, will be the first training of the season. We are looking forward to seeing you again!

Some important information to start the new season:

  1. The deadline to pay the membership fee is on September 24. The junior membership fee is 100 euros. This has to be paid to the clubs account: BE10 0019 4698 4404. Please mention your full name and 'subs 2022-2023 junior'.
  2. The mutuality documents can be given to the trainer Gilles until October 4. The committee will sign it and give the documents back a week later. The sooner you give it, the happier we get :).

If you have any questions, please contact the membership secretary of the club, Lynn Van Mulders.


Enjoy the season,

The committee,

Arne, Axel, Dirk, Sarah and Lynn