Registration and summer break info

Dear members,


Before enjoying a well deserved summer break, the committee want to inform you on a couple of matters:

Opening hall

In contradiction to our previous email, it is still possible to come and play tomorrow in our sports hall. This will be the last training session. Excuse us for the bad communication. The free play starts again on August 16. The adult and junior training supervised by the coach will start on September 6. 

If you can't imagine a summerbreak without badminton, there is a possibility to join some members who rent badminton courts in Mounier, Kraainem. This is organised by Axel and isn't included in the membership fee. So the participants will have to pay him back directly after playing. More info about the organisation can be found in the adult whatsapp group.


A reminder to fill in the membership form on the website to keep your spot as a member. It is normal you don't receive a confirmation mail after filling in the form. For the adult beginner training, you will also have to complete the google form attached to the previous mail.


You don't have to pay yet, the membership fee will have to be paid in the beginning of September.


The team captains will be informed mid August about their team players, matches and responsabilities. The captains will inform the team members about the planning. If you are playing interclubs, please try to stay available on Sundays in September until you know the match dates. 


Most important: enjoy the summer break!

The committee