BIBC Raclette Event

Dear BIBC members,


On Friday 13th December we will enjoy our annual ‘Raclette Dinner’ in the cafeteria of the sports hall at 8pm. 


Please put a ‘thumbs up’ against the pinned message in the members WhatsApp group. The sooner this is done and the sooner we reach a suitable number of participants, hopefully 20 people, I will contact the cafeteria to confirm. (If you are not part of our BIBC WhatsApp group I would kindly ask you to email me directly, mentioning your attendance and if you’re coming with a +1).


Then please pay 22 euros pp to the club account as soon as possible. And put your name in the transfer message to help our treasurer Arne work out who is who.


BIBC Club Account Number:

BE10 0019 4698 4404


Many thanks for participating and see you there!

Henry Pincott

BIBC Social Secretary