Dear BIBC members,
Upcoming Hall Closures:
Thursday 18th May and Sunday 28th May.
Bowling Event:
On Friday 21st April, we are expecting you at 6pm at the ‘Bowling Stones’ (Steenweg op Brussel 397, 1780 Wemmel). Please inform using the link below if you will be able to join!
Tired of bowling? There will be some pool tables as well!
Price: The final price will be divided by all the participants. We plan to play for
- Bowling: 42€/ hour
- Pool: 15€/ hour
Interclub report:
Our teams have had some good wins and even some good draws this season. Two Mixed matches remain on 30/04. Mixed 1 will most likely be demoted from Provincial 1 in last position. Mixed 2 are towards the top of the table (3rd place) in Provincial 3 and have finished the season more strongly than they started it. Our Ladies are safe from relegation in Provincial 1 finishing 4th, well done! Men’s 1 and Men’s 2 both finished 2nd in their leagues with some strong performances and had consistently good results. Men’s 1 ended the season on a high, beating Herne who will nonetheless win the league.
If you would like to get into interclub competition don’t hesitate to contact a committee member.
Club Barbecue:
Location and date yet to be determined!
Club Shuttles:
These are available to club members at 26euros per tube. Just ask a committee member to get one from the cupboard and pay by bank transfer as soon as possible, with the message ‘>Your name< and shuttles.’
All the best for the end of the season! (Summer break starts in mid-July)
BIBC Committee