AGM 6 September

Dear members,


Some important info to start the new season:

  1. On September 27 the annual general meeting (AGM) will take place at 22h15 in the bar of the sports hall. Everyone is welcome for a free drink! We will discuss the working of the club, possible improvements and select the committee members. If you are interested in joining our joyful committee, feel free to present yourself as a candidate at the meeting. At last we will give the challenge cup (Heather and Steve price) to the best men's and woman's single player! Below, you can find the minutes of the last AGM and a draft agenda.
  2. The deadline to pay the adult membership fee (150 euros), secondary membership (100 euros) or family membership (300 euros) is October 8. The payment needs to be done by bank transfer to the clubs account: BE10 0019 4698 4404. Please mention your full name and 'subs 2023-2024 adult'.
  3. The deadline to give mutuality documents to Sarah or Lynn is October 8. The committee will fill it in and give the documents back one week later. The sooner you give it, the happier we are :).

Hope to see you at the AGM!

The committee,

Arne, Axel, Dirk, Sarah and Lynn



Draft agendaMinutes AGM 2022MMinutes AGM 2022